Ron Rhodes, Th.D.
Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries
Having dedicated the past 15 years of my life to cult apologetics, I have grown increasingly aware of the threat the cults poseto the cause of Christ worldwide. The major cults have committed HUGE budgets to infiltrating foreign fields, and they are drawing truckloads of unsuspecting people into their folds daily. It is against this sobering backdrop that I voice (indeed, shout) my strong support for The Centers for Apologetics Research. This citadel of truth is led by a man I've known and respected for years, Paul Carden. Paul not only has many years of experience in cult apologetics, but has spent many of those years on foreign fields. I am convinced God has raised up Paul and his organization for the specific purpose of assisting believers in foreign fields (where resources are scarcest) to stand against cultic intruders, wherever they may be found. With strong conviction, I urge Christians everywhere to prayerfully and financially support this strategic ministry.

Ronald Enroth, Ph.D.
Professor of Sociology
Westmont College
It is difficult to think of a more essential task than providing resources for the defense of the faith and the development of discernment skills in parts of the world where such resources are minimal and the need is overwhelming. I know of no other organization that is accomplishing this work as effectively and courageously as The Centers for Apologetics Research.

J. Scott Horrell, Th.D.
Professor of Systematic Theology
Dallas Theological Seminary
The Centers for Apologetic Research seeks to remedy one of the most tragic of realities in the evangelical world: the seduction of unprepared evangelical converts to the aberrant "gospels" of cults. If in our North American churches we are aware of such groups, we have not been eager to help equip the mush-rooming church in the other 95% of the world's population to answer the moneyed zeal of Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and countless other non-biblical proselytizers. May the urgency and weight of this task be made known to all North American Christians as CFAR struggles to publicize the needs and stand almost alone in the gap.

Robert Bowman, Jr.
Manager, Apologetics & Interfaith Evangelism
North American Mission Board, SBC
Because of the recent explosion of cults and new religions in Eastern Europe and Latin America, a tremendous need exists for Christians throughout the world to become educated about false religions and to become equipped to share the true gospel of Jesus Christ with people of increasingly diverse religious beliefs. The Centers for Apologetics Research is a remarkable, truly international organiza-tion that is leading the way in responding to the challenge.

Alan Scholes, Ph.D.
Associate Director of the International School Project
(a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ)
Former Faculty in Theology,
Talbot School of Theology and International School of Theology
It is my privilege and an honor to enthusiastically endorse the worldwide efforts of Paul Carden and The Centers for Apologetics Research.
When I first visited the Soviet Union before the breakup in 1991, I was surprised to see that cultic and occultic beliefs such as astrology, reincarnation, and belief in UFO’s were already widespread. This was true even in the more remote parts of northern Russia.
Our enemy’s two-part strategy has been both simple and devastating.
1) Through 75 years of Communist propaganda, to reduce belief in God and the supernatural to as little as possible. This created a spiritual vacuum and an intense spiritual interest and hunger throughout Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union.
2) When the doors open, flood these countries with Western-based cults, Eastern mysticism, and syncretistic folk religions. Generations of even highly educated people easily fall prey to manipulation and believe that “If it’s spiritual, it’s good.” In the confusion, the true gospel is lost.
Unfortunately, this strategy is working in the hearts and lives of far too many seekers in formerly Communist-dominated countries. A further problem is that even many pastors lack sound theological education. (Christian families were often barred from sending their children to university, much less Bible school or seminary.) Even today, there are very few evangelical graduate theological seminaries in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. So even dedicated, sincere Christian leaders can naively fall prey to cultic teaching.
That is why the ministry of The Centers for Apologetics Research is so crucial, especially in Eurasia. I have personally known and worked with Paul Carden for many years. I have great respect and admiration for his conviction, passion, knowledge, and discernment. I have also been privileged to meet some of his excellent national workers. There is no other ministry in a position to fill this crucial role in so many countries that desperately need the education and counsel The Centers provide.

Rev. Luke P. Wilson
Executive Director
Institute for Religious Research
I am writing to heartily recommend to you Paul Carden and the vital work of The Centers for Apologetics Research (CFAR). In evangelical Christian counter-cult circles, there are few men who command the appreciation and respect accorded this man and the ministry he has founded. Paul has earned this respect by virtue of his diligence, stewardship, humility, vision, passion for the lost, and evident love for Christ.
The Centers for Apologetics Research embodies Paul's unique vision and stewardship. It is meeting a need that has been badly neglected — responding to the virulent spread in foreign lands of the heretical gospels of the Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Unification Church, and a host of others. By combining careful research and respectful, compassionate witness, CFAR is a model of effective, Christ-honoring ministry.
Luke Wilson went home to be with the Lord on November 13, 2007. We praise God for Luke's character and vision, for his numerous contributions to the cause of Christ worldwide, and for his special partnership in cross-cultural ministry. We will miss him deeply.