András Kovács-Magyar
Ancient Hungarian Taltos Church
 Ancient Hungarian Taltos Church
 Osmagyar Táltos Egyház, Táltos Iskola
 András Kovács-Magyar
 András Kovács-Magyar
 Nyíregyháza, Hungary
 include Nagy Táltoskönyv, Európa felfedezése
 According to one online commentary, an especially Magyar (Hungarian) folk character is the “Taltos,” a person (or a horse) possessing magical powers. He reminds us of the “shaman,” the medicine-man priest of the ancient Asian religions. The “Taltos” may have been born with his special talents, in which case he is a “Garaboncias,” but more often he acquires these gifts by performing certain difficult tasks. The (good) hero may also receive help from a “Taltos horse” which gives him sound advice or practical help when needed. The “Tunder” (Fairy) appears in many shapes, pleasant or unpleasant. One of
the latter is the “Liderc,” a haunting, ghost-like creature.
(Little evidence to suggest that the movement has a significant following outside of Hungary itself)