Living Hope International Ministries
![](images/g_officialname.gif) Living Hope International Ministries
![](images/g_altname.gif) Christian Biblical Counsel
![](images/g_foundersname.gif) Vince Finnegan, Sean Finnegan
![](images/g_currentleaders.gif) Vince Finnegan, Sean Finnegan
![](images/g_foundingplace.gif) USA
![](images/g_headquarters.gif) Latham, NY USA
![](images/g_organization.gif) LHIM "partners" with the Church of God General Conference and "Worldwide Scattered Brethren Network"
![](images/g_books.gif) include Jesus the Christ, Change to Change
![](images/g_periodicals.gif) Glad Tidings
![](images/g_beliefs.gif) The group very closely resembles the old Way International of Victor Paul Wierwille in its doctrine and practice. Distinctive teachings include a denial of the Trinity (an Arian view of Jesus with denial of the personality of the Holy Spirit) and denial of the immortality of the soul.
![](images/g_countries.gif) Congo (Democratic Republic), Congo (Republic), Kenya, Mexico, Philippines, Puerto Rico, United Kingdom, United States
![](images/g_languages.gif) include English, Spanish