Ministry of Repentance & Holiness (Owuor)
 Ministry of Repentance & Holiness (Owuor)
 “Prophet” David Edward Ujiji Owuor (b. 1966)
 “Prophet” David Edward Ujiji Owuor (b. 1966)
 Njoro, Nakuru West district; Nakuru County, Kenya
 Kings Outreach Church
 Repentance and Holiness Magazine
 Jesus Is Lord Radio
 The doctrinal statement given on the MRH (Owuor) website expresses a general Protestant understanding of Scripture, affirming the Bible as infallible and authoritative, the Trinity and the deity of Jesus Christ. However, according to MRH the preparation for Christ’s return is being made manifest in this “dispensation” through Owuor’s position as prophet and his call for nations to repent. Owuor’s preaching rarely focuses on the person of Christ and His work on the cross; instead, it emphasizes on his own position as prophet, on healing, on prophecies of God’s judgment and on calls to holiness for both individuals and nations. Owuor teaches that “the End of Age started in 1948 with the formation of the State of Israel,” marked by apostasy and rampant sin. Two main areas mark the church as apostate: First, sexual sin, whether homosexual practice or fornication in general, its supposed acceptance by Christians has defiled the altar of God. Second, God’s wrath is coming because of financial greed—specifically, the Prosperity Gospel. The MRH claims that "The church of Christ in this era has mainly been instituted on the sermons of a prosperity gospel, that has caused her apostate condition." According to Owuor, because of this the “church has today largely become business enterprises whose sole purpose is to gather wealth.” Owuor claims he was commissioned by God in 2004 to warn the four corners of the world concerning Jesus’ second coming. He teaches that we are currently living in the latter part of the period experiencing “birth pangs,” consisting of earthquakes, famines, pestilence, wars, etc. At the end of the birth pangs will come the rapture of the church: “The Lord JESUS will…appear in the clouds, and the dead in Christ will rise up first to meet Him in the clouds, then those Christians LIVING IN COMPLETE HOLINESS at the time, will be lifted up to catch up with the rest in the air to meet The Lord.” After the rapture there will be seven years of tribulation on earth, followed by the second coming of Christ.
 While in Israel for advanced studies, Owuor married an orthodox Jew and had a son. When he moved to the United States, he wanted them to accompany him, but his wife’s family refused. He abandoned them, and while in the U.S. he began cohabiting with a woman whom he eventually married. (She filed for divorce on September 6, 2003.) Owuor has publicly admitted to the relationship, but has explained it as the “work of the devil so that I do not follow the calling of God.”
 Since he began preaching in 2004, Owuor has taken on many titles, such as “The Mightiest Prophet of the Lord.” Sometimes the titles are plural, but still refer to just him: “The Two Most Glorified Prophets of Heaven.” It is claimed that, as God’s prophet, Owuor has fulfilled many prophecies by his coming. He is supposedly the angel from Exodus 23:20; the promised prophet who is like Moses in Deuteronomy 18:18; the Elijah spoken of in Isaiah 40:3, Malachi 3:1, 4:5; and the two witnesses of Revelation 11 and Zechariah 4.
 Australia, Brazil, Canada, Jamaica, Kenya, Russia, South Korea, Uganda, United States