True Faith Jehovah’s Witnesses Association
 True Faith Jehovah’s Witnesses Association
 Tirgu Mures, Romania; Gorokhiv, Ukraine
 include Faith or Religion?, along with pre-1970s Watchtower Society publications such as Let God Be True, The Truth Shall Set You Free, Life, The Harp of God, Your Will Be Done on Earth, This Means Everlasting Life
 Pre-1970s Watchtower magazines
 "True Faith" Witnesses are a product of the Communist era and identify with the teachings and practices of the Watchtower movement during the administration of Russell and Rutherford. In 1970s they refused to accept the "new light" on Romans 13 (since it identified the higher authorities with earthly governments that persecuted Jehovah’s Witnesses). Ukrainian and Russian believers in a unique twist of imagination believe that Soviet KGB has taken over the Brooklyn headquarters which no longer represent the true Jehovah’s organization. In the absence of anointed brothers they cannot write their own books and have to stick to the pre-1970s publications in hope of re-establishing contact with surviving members of the anointed class someday. Like the mainstream contemporary Jehovah’s Witnesses, they deny the Trinity, the deity of Christ, His resurrection, and other central Christian doctrines.
 In Russia the group keeps low profile and is not known to general public; members of the group do not evangelize aggressively and thus their presence throughout the former USSR is scarce (only 5 members in St. Petersburg).
 Hungary, Romania, Ukraine, Russia
 include English, French, Italian, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Russian, Spanish